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bass guitar造句

"bass guitar"是什么意思  
  • A pleasure . - and on makeup and bass guitar , pam
  • - a pleasure . - and on makeup and bass guitar , pam
  • The teenage actor is now learning to play the bass guitar , but would also like to be the lead singer
  • P > j : you guess it ! she plays the bass guitar , the keyboards and she sings
  • Daniel : we both play bass guitar , although i ' m maybe several years behind him , decades even probably
  • Bass guitar is easy to learn , flexible for slow and fast songs with the combination of both rhythmic and melodic parts and it is inseparable for a worship team
  • This series includws silent electronic violin violin , vioia , cello , silent electronic classic classic guitar , silent electronic acoustic guitar and silent bass guitar , in which the silent elcctronic violin has been applicd invention parent in china and abroad , this series of productions can be played widely in electronic instrument band
  • The instruments they play are the most popular and used in all these celtic countries , as well as other instruments from all around the world : from traditional multidrone asturian bagpipes , to irish flutes , asturian hand percussions , or the accordion , but also the acoustic guitars , bouzouki , bass guitar , voices and drums
    他们所使用的乐器既有来自那些凯尔特国家最流行、使用范围最广的的乐器,如传统的阿斯图里亚斯风笛(多低音) ,爱尔兰长笛,阿斯图里亚斯手鼓和手风琴,又有哪些来自于世界各地的其他乐器,如吉他,希腊曼陀琳(一种琴) ,贝斯,混音器和架子鼓。
  • It's difficult to see bass guitar in a sentence. 用bass guitar造句挺难的
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